BBR Adria Post-tensioning Seminar

Fifth annual BBR Adria seminar with key innovations in the BBR VT CONA CMX range.

The fifth annual BBR Adria Post-tensioning Seminar has been held in Zagreb, Croatia. The seminar was held adjacent to two award-winning buildings constructed with BBR VT technology, the Arena Sport Hall and the Arena Center shopping mall.
Presentations were given by three guest lecturers including Lubos Misak (Proceq), Predrag Presecki (K.A Biro Cakovec) and Antonio Caballero from BBR VT International. The audience included engineers, architects and designers from around the region.
Antonio spoke about the benefits of the BBR VT CONA CMX range in terms of sustainability as well as some key points for design with the CMX post-tensioning system.
